BVI means Blind Visual Impairment, and that in itself can be challenging. Trying to be independent can be a little hard sometimes. I believe the BVI community can become independent on different levels using different skills. There are many vocational rehabilitation services and programs in every state and all over the world that will help you reach your goals. I want to share my opinions about how learning to be more independent is an important skill.
My most important advice is to have a positive mindset.
People should enroll in a mobility class because learning cane skills is crucial to everyday life. I have learned that my cane is my next step and that I need to use it daily. I found that Ho’opono and Guide Dogs of Hawai’i offer mobility classes; however, spaces tend to be limited. Guide dogs are another way for people to learn how to get around throughout their community.
I received my training from Ho’opono, which has provided me with the cane skills and self-confidence that I needed to succeed. Some of the cane skills I learned were:
These skills help keep me safe. Remember to reach out to the places in your community.
BVI individuals should find new ways to gain new skills. A slate and stylus for a blind person is the same as a pen or pencil for those who can see. This tool is for writing letters that are to be read by touch. The slate and stylus is a method of embossing print for braille character encoding.
I first learned it in high school and then perfected it at Ho’opono. I learned how to use my braille note for everyday tasks. A braille note is a device that works like a computer and stores information. Newer models are now able to connect to the internet. I use my braille note to take notes and store recipes, but you can use yours however you'd like.
A manual label maker (braille) is another item that can help improve your independence. Brailling household items is relevant because it gives you the necessary information to make the right choices. Labels can also help you stay safe. When labeling items, you could use a Seeing AI app to help identify what needs to be labeled. There are many other apps that work with whatever type of phone you may have. I currently use the Seeing AI app for my phone, and for me, it's working pretty okay.
Another new skill a BVI person should learn is folding your money. This skill is important because you’ll be able to identify money and it holds others accountable when they are helping you with your money.
Cooking for yourself can benefit you in many ways. One way is self-care because cooking your own meals can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Cooking is a form of independence, so others won't have to always do it for you.
I was at a program where I learned to cook. At first, I was a little scared, but now I have the confidence to cook. Some of the meals I’ve learned to make are homemade cookies, pesto pasta, and homemade cakes. Another task that I learned in the kitchen included using the knife. I was nervous because I thought I would hurt myself. Over time, I slowly learned to take my time and practice. My favorite salad to make is potato salad, where I learned to boil and cut potatoes. Cooking is fun!
My most important piece of advice is LEARNING TO ASK FOR HELP. Asking for help is a strength, not a weakness. Always surround yourself with people who care and want the very best for you.
Ms. Marri and Travel Visions want people to know that we are capable of living full and happy lives, so keep reading my blog to find out about more adventures!
— Kelly
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